Thursday, September 27, 2012

Synthesis on Fracking

In the article “EPA: Natural Gas Fracking Linked to Water Contamination” establishes how fracking is affecting the drinking water in Wyoming. This has been a controversial issue for some time now, but with this evidence they feel as if they could ban its continuance. This study was done to present if fracking was a major risk that affected water resources in Wyoming. “In the 121-page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.” (Lustgarten) Through the information in the article provided fracking is a risk on water resources. With the evidence provided they did not specify if fracking was the real cause of contamination to the water. This was skeptic because “in an email exchange after the EPA released preliminary water test data two weeks ago, the spokesman, Doug Hock, denied that the company's actions were to blame for the pollution and suggested it was naturally caused.” This company does not want to be at fault for any liabilities that may happen due their company fracking. Being that the company understood the consequences they faced they are trying to weasel themselves out of trouble.

Honestly, fracking should be illegal due to the consequences it poses on the environment as well as the people. If any company sends out an emergency status that “cautioned residents not to drink their water and to ventilate their homes when they bathed because the methane in the water could cause an explosion” (Lustgarten) is a major issue.  Fracking is not safe for our environment and it already puts strain on the one resource that is already running low- water. I do not understand why fracking is so controversial because I have not read one article that places emphasis on anything that’s good that comes out of fracking. These big corporations need to stop trying to be cheap and take responsibility for the hazardous materials that they are putting into our water systems. They need to spend a little more money on ways to fix our environment instead of ways to make money in order to kill us off. Fracking will possibly always be controversial because everyone is biased in the world. I just think that we should help to make it illegal so that we can maintain ways to have healthy water instead of having to worry about what is entering our body when we shower or drink it. Ban fracking and we can experience less water contamination.

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