Monday, September 10, 2012

Synder Poems

In Two Fawns that didn't See the Light this Springs talked of how we are just taking life away from innocent animals. We have all these abortion laws about choice but with animals we just take there lives. It is sad because we do not share this earth we just dominate it.

Avocado is about re-birthing the Earth. Snyder talks of how the the Earth can be replanted but people choose not to because of the affects of the aftermath. Earth should be changed to produce vegetation for humans as well as for animals. All though some things don't appear to be beautiful it can be.

For the Children is based upon the next life to me. Synder speaks of if we make it to the other side it would be greener. All in all nobody knows how the after life will be except God. I want this world to be greener before I leave it so my children will be able to have a good life.

I can't blog about what was discussed in class because I was not there.

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