Thursday, September 27, 2012

Synthesis on Fracking

In the article “EPA: Natural Gas Fracking Linked to Water Contamination” establishes how fracking is affecting the drinking water in Wyoming. This has been a controversial issue for some time now, but with this evidence they feel as if they could ban its continuance. This study was done to present if fracking was a major risk that affected water resources in Wyoming. “In the 121-page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.” (Lustgarten) Through the information in the article provided fracking is a risk on water resources. With the evidence provided they did not specify if fracking was the real cause of contamination to the water. This was skeptic because “in an email exchange after the EPA released preliminary water test data two weeks ago, the spokesman, Doug Hock, denied that the company's actions were to blame for the pollution and suggested it was naturally caused.” This company does not want to be at fault for any liabilities that may happen due their company fracking. Being that the company understood the consequences they faced they are trying to weasel themselves out of trouble.

Honestly, fracking should be illegal due to the consequences it poses on the environment as well as the people. If any company sends out an emergency status that “cautioned residents not to drink their water and to ventilate their homes when they bathed because the methane in the water could cause an explosion” (Lustgarten) is a major issue.  Fracking is not safe for our environment and it already puts strain on the one resource that is already running low- water. I do not understand why fracking is so controversial because I have not read one article that places emphasis on anything that’s good that comes out of fracking. These big corporations need to stop trying to be cheap and take responsibility for the hazardous materials that they are putting into our water systems. They need to spend a little more money on ways to fix our environment instead of ways to make money in order to kill us off. Fracking will possibly always be controversial because everyone is biased in the world. I just think that we should help to make it illegal so that we can maintain ways to have healthy water instead of having to worry about what is entering our body when we shower or drink it. Ban fracking and we can experience less water contamination.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Response to Kahn/Class Discussion

In class we discussed how social class determines what jobs you get and where you will end up. I disagree with this because everyone has an opportunity to make it out of their social class and better themselves. Just because you come from a public school does not mean you do not have the intelligence to go to an Ivy League university. Ivy Leagues schools are overrated for the most part. The main difference in universities is cost of attendance. Even though everyone has a biased opinion on social class mine is that if you believe you can do it never give up.

            Richard Kahn shares similar interests with me when it comes to schools and social class. Kahn believes that education is necessary in order to change the world. He believes that education is used to only raise test scores and not awareness for the environment. This is right because in high school I never spoke of the environment not even in science classes. Kahn feels that we should stop worrying about unnecessary information and obtain facts that are going to be useful in the future. In cases today most the information taught in high school and college is never used in real life but saving the environment could be. We need to educate ourselves with environmental information if we want to continue to live on this earth.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Visual Rhetoric

The visual rhetoric shown is a sphere that looks as if it has been shattered half way. With the world today humans destroy it with a touch. This visual rhetoric shows that whatever humans touch can be destroyed but over a period of time it can be fixed. With technology the Earth can be either repaired or harmed. Most technology used today is harming the environment because of the chemicals that can be released. Then with the invention of electric cars gas isn't used but more electricity is. We think that technology is helpful but literally it is a controversial issue that depends upon the way you look at it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

3-5 Snyder themes

Without is talking of humans being able to have the power to make sacrifices or not to help their power grow. Humans believe that they are the more dominate species so they have the power of what to do. Humans should take their power and better this world instead of destroy it.

I went into the Maverick Bar speaks of how society needs to accept you. He said he left his earring in the car so I feel as if he didn't want to be judged. In today's world it is about social acceptance. People need to stop worrying about others and just join together and fight for a green Earth.

Dusty Braces is talking about how our ancestors started off corrupting the world and as time goes on generations continue to follow their ancestors. Humans learn by watching what has already been done. For example, if your parents litter you may also grow up to litter. In society today if our generation can make a change to better this world it should be done. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Synder Poems

In Two Fawns that didn't See the Light this Springs talked of how we are just taking life away from innocent animals. We have all these abortion laws about choice but with animals we just take there lives. It is sad because we do not share this earth we just dominate it.

Avocado is about re-birthing the Earth. Snyder talks of how the the Earth can be replanted but people choose not to because of the affects of the aftermath. Earth should be changed to produce vegetation for humans as well as for animals. All though some things don't appear to be beautiful it can be.

For the Children is based upon the next life to me. Synder speaks of if we make it to the other side it would be greener. All in all nobody knows how the after life will be except God. I want this world to be greener before I leave it so my children will be able to have a good life.

I can't blog about what was discussed in class because I was not there.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Turtle Island Themes

In the dead by the side of the road focuses on how we are killing off animals. Synder talks of how all these animals are used in our lives. Like for resources to eat or just for decoration. He speaks of how we only think of ourselves and how all these interstates are taking up habitat.

Control burn focused on fires. He spoke of how the Indians used fire to clean their environment and help make it better. Today forest fires are started due to the heat and all the chemical exposure. Fire was supposed to be helpful but now it is harmful.

Finally source speaks of the natural disasters that occur int he world. Like mudslides and earthquakes. Synder uses these different poems to set up how the earth is being torn apart. Today we need to help the earth and not harm it.