Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Synthesis of Quiz/Podcast

With listening to McKibben the environment of the world was opened up. Bill used specific details to enforce reasoning with the world’s lack of knowledge with how humans react. Like Dr. Taylor posted an assignment about a bioregional quiz which was hard to react to. The quiz had questions that were unknown to many. McKibben tied a lot of the bioregional quiz into his podcast. Saying that local farmers should increase and industries should decrease. McKibben wants to be able to eat local foods that would not harm the body or the environment. This Earth is not the same as at the beginning of time. Now Earth is polluted, over populated and lacking natural resources that are proper for the survival of mankind. Quoted from the podcast was Obama speaking of bettering the economy. Honestly, Obamas probably as in the dark about the bioregional quiz as anyone. Like where the water comes from or what types of grass surrounds you. These are all good environmental questions but not many answers are known by the majority of society.
Today a stand needs to be made to better the world. This is what McKibben was stating. Bill just wants to give the world an information session about how the world is changing related to how society is acting. If politicians were able to identify all of the bioregional quiz questions without having to Google them this Earth might be different.

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