Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Opinion of Bill McKibbens Podcast

                Bill McKibben at first had me lost, and then I listened to it again until I understood it. He is talking about how Earth has become another planet than the one he was born on. McKibben is basically trying to tell that the Earth can no longer support our economic or population growth. This is hard to believe because every day new technology is made but it doesn’t help to bring down the climate changes that could possibly wipe us from this Earth. He goes on a binge about how Obama is always talking about improving our economy but not about how to improve the real world.
            McKibben gives specific details about how we barely have enough resources to feed the human population. With only 1% of the world farming we are harming our bodies by putting harmful foods into it. Yes, we need more farmers but the way most of the world looks at it is as long as we have food it doesn’t matter whether it’s safe or not. I like how McKibben spoke of eating more food grown locally. This would slow down the rate of obesity, heart problems, and etc. I believe like McKibben that we as Americans should change our ways and become more aware of what we have done to this Earth.

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