Monday, November 12, 2012

Survey Update

Since earlier people have been posting to my survey. I have been finding out what or who influenced peoples vote for presidency. I also found out if people researched there candidates running. It is interesting because for the people who did not vote I am seeing what could have influenced them to get out and vote.


  1. This is an interesting topic because it relates to the recent election, as well as what factors influence the voting in our age group. I remember the annoying people outside of Talley trying to persuade us one way or the other, so it'll be refreshing to see what else was happening, as well as how informed and educated voters are!

  2. Nice topic Chelsi! I think that almost everyone has a reason for partaking or abstaining from the election. Some might not agree with either president's views and some may just not agree with the hostility that comes alongside an election. Regardless of their reason, I think your topic is really important and your results should turn out to be really interesting.
