Monday, October 29, 2012

Synthesis of Micheal Marker

            Indigenous resistance and racist schooling on the borders of empires: Coast Salish cultural survival by Michael Marker mainly interprets the separation of the indigenous people from their society or culture. This article majorly focused on education and its policies referring to schooling. The Coast Salish people did not want to conform to society or anyone else’s culture. Racism was also an issue brought up in the article about when they integrated into schools.
            In my opinion culture determines an individual. This article spoke on how culture was trying to be taken out of the indigenous people. Honestly, conformity is not good or bad in my eyes it just depends on the individual viewing the situation.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Essay 3 Place

As of right now I have been researching a new place to multimodal for in essay 3. So right now I do not have any information because I am trying to find a good place with a lot of information regarding bio-region and food sustainability. Also, I want to have a place that relates to me and the world as a whole.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Environmental Ethics Artifact

“Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents.” To represent environmental ethics the item I chose was computers. The reason being because technology is used all over the world today and computers are majority of the networking. We use computers to look up information regarding the environment as well as trying to find ways to better our environment through analysis of data and research. Without computers most technology would not be able to function because a small computer is almost inside everything even cars. The environmental aspect of this is that we one day may not have to do anything because technology would rule the world and humans would have no say in it. It is obvious that everyone almost in the world has a computer and before long humans might even have computer chips inside themselves. This is scary because then our environment would not need many resources to function and our ecosystem would all be artificial.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Peer Reviewed Article on Fracking

In the peer reviewed article “Conflicting reports fuel fracking debate tied to Wyoming town” discusses several people’s perspectives on fracking in the state of Wyoming.  In the article it compared  the EPA study to “the USGS results from testing of one of two monitoring wells in the aquifer indicated higher levels of gases like methane, lower levels of diesel-range organics and the absence of such solvents as toluene, an EnCana analysis showed.”  This showed that the EPA was trying to falsify information so that it did not look that bad. One of the citizens of Wyoming interviewed stated “I'm not a scientist. All this fighting over testing has been a frustration to me. All I know is our quality of life has been taken away.”  This man feels as if he is not safe in his own environment called home. This is a disgrace.
In the article we read it spoke of fracking and scientific information that was collected. The article I chose gave a different perspective rather than science. In the article in class it stated that the people needed to know what was being put into the water. My article I found helps to broaden human’s thoughts on fracking in general as well as scientific information.

Fracking Controversy

Honestly fracking happens to be a very controversial issue happening in the United States lately. From the article "the spokesman, Doug Hock, denied that the company's actions were to blame for the pollution and suggested it was naturally caused." This just shows that the companies are only wanting to focus on making money and not peoples well being. This is inconsiderate being that humans are who mainly occupy this Earth. Fracking should be illegal or entrepreneurs that incorporate fracking should have specific rules and regulations necessary to follow. Yes, fracking is bad but if people are going to continue to participate in it, citizens should at least be aware of what harm could happen their bodies. I believe that this fracking issue about contaminating the water will continue to carry out until after my death ,but regardless the situation everyone has their own opinions.